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Inline Placeholders

Snippety provides a really powerful feature for Snippet Expander called Inline Placeholders. You can use it to fill the following placeholders without using the form:

One you master the Inline Placeholders feature, you can significantly speed up your workflow and make it easier to use snippets.


To enable this feature, you need to open App Settings -> Snippet Expander -> General and enable the Inline Placeholders option. Once enabled, you can use a special syntax to fill the placeholders while typing the keyword.


For example, if you have a snippet with a Text Variable First Name, you can type :email<John< to fill the First Name placeholder with John.

Please remember to use the < character to separate each placeholder and use the < character at the end to confirm the expansion.

You may not remember all the placeholders, that's why Snippety presents a list of placeholders in the top right corner of the screen to help you with that.

Please note that if there are any other placeholders that are not supported by Inline Placeholders and require your input, the form will be shown.


Show Form

If you enabled the Inline Placeholders option, you can still show the form by typing . directly after the keyword. E.g. :email..

You can use the same syntax in the search bar. You can type a phrase to search a snippet and use < to fill the placeholders. E.g. my snippet<John and press Enter to expand the snippet.

Default Values

Text Variables can have a default value. If you want to use it, you can just omit the placeholder value like that: :email<<. Assuming that there is only one Text Variable in the snippet, the default value will be used and the snippet will be expanded.

If you want to use an empty value instead of the default value, you can use space character like that: :email< <.