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Text Variable

Inserts the text value provided when expanding the snippet.


1️⃣ Field Title

The title of the field. It appears on the form when you expand the snippet.

This value can be used by Text Variable Reference placeholder.

If you copy-paste the same placeholder with the same title and parameters, it will automatically reuse the same value. When you change placeholder in one place it will be updated in all other places.

2️⃣ Default Value (optional)

The default value that will be used if you don't provide a value when expanding the snippet.


{@text|First Name|John@}

The default value can be omitted:

{@text|First Name@}

Use Cases

This will be probably the most used placeholder in your snippets.

It is useful to parametrize your snippets with text values that you need to change each time you use the snippet.


Dear {@text|Recipient's Name@},

We are pleased to invite you to join us for the {@text|Event Name@} taking
place at {@text|Venue@}.

Please let us know if you will be able to attend.

Best regards,