Inserts selected values from a list of options.
Values are separated by a selected separator.
1️⃣ Field Title
The title of the multiselect field. It appears on the form when you expand the snippet.
If you copy-paste the same placeholder with the same title and parameters, it will automatically reuse the same value. When you change placeholder in one place it will be updated in all other places.
2️⃣ Values
A list of values separated by ;
You can also provide multiline values by using \n
Option 1;Option 2 - line 1\nOption 2 - line 2;Option 3
3️⃣ Separator (default: comma
The separator that will be used to separate the selected values.
There are predefined separators:
- Empty: All values will be concatenated
- New Line
- Comma
- Space
- Tab
- Custom Separator: You can provide a custom separator in the next parameter
You can also generate a list from the selected values using a selected list:
Bullet List:
• Option 1
• Option 2
• Option 3 -
Numbered List:
1. Option 1
2. Option 2
3. Option 3 -
Dash List:
- Option 1
- Option 2
- Option 3 -
ABC List:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3 -
Custom List: You can provide a custom list character in the next parameter
4️⃣ Custom Separator (optional)
If you selected Custom Separator
in the previous parameter, you can provide a
custom separator here.
It will be used to separate the selected values:
Option 1<separator>Option 2<separator>Option 3
If you selected Custom List
in the previous parameter, you can provide a custom
list character here.
It will be used before each selected value:
<separator>Option 1
<separator>Option 2
<separator>Option 3
{@multiselect|Sample|Option1;Option2;Option3|Custom Separator|-@}
The snippet above will insert the following text when expanded:
Assuming that Option1
and Option3
were selected.
The last parameter can be omitted if you select a predefined separator or list.
Use Cases
This placeholder is useful when you use a template that requires selecting predefined values each time.
You are a doctor and you need to select the symptoms of the patient and recommend the appropriate treatment. You could create the following snippet:
{@multiselect|Symptoms|Fever;Cough;Headache;Sore throat|New Line@}
In case of worsening symptoms, please contact your doctor.