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Snippet Preview

Snippet Preview

  1. Snippet Detail: This area shows the overview of the selected snippet.
  2. Snippet Actions: Here you can find main actions like editing, deleting, and sharing the snippet using iCloud Collaboration.
  3. Template Actions: Here you can find actions related to the template. From left to right:
    • Raw Placeholders (CMD + P): Click on this button to see the raw placeholders. It is useful if you want to copy the placeholder to another snippet. It also improves the performance when you have a lot of placeholders or quickly switch between snippets.
    • Copy Template (Control + Shift + C): Click on this button to copy the template to the clipboard.
    • Quick Access Menu: Click on this button to add the selected snippet to the Quick Action Menu.
    • Word Wrap (CMD + W): Click on this button to toggle word wrap. This option is unavailable for RTF snippets, because they require a fixed width to align text.
    • Snippet Preview (CMD + F): Click on this button to see a preview of the snippet in a new window. It is useful if you want to see the snippet in a larger view.
  4. Snippet Content: This area shows the content of the selected snippet including all placeholders used in the snippet. The preview supports syntax highlighting, Rich Text Format (RTF) with images, and markdown rendering.
  5. Placeholder: Here you can see an example of a placeholder.