Snippet Name: Use this field to name your snippet. The name is used for
searching and sorting snippets.
Snippet Keyword: Use this field to define a keyword for your snippet. The
keyword is used to expand snippets while typing (Snippet Expander). It's best
when keywords don't overlap with other snippets, but Snippety supports it by
providing a short delay before expanding the snippet to allow you to continue
Snippet Description: Use this field to add a description to your snippet.
The description is to help you remember the purpose of the snippet.
Snippet Collection: Use this field to select the collection where you
want to save the snippet. You can create a new collection by just typing the
name of the collection. Collections are generated automatically when there is
any snippet in them.
Snippet Tags: Use this button to add tags to your snippet. Tags are used
to categorize snippets and make them easier to find. Here you can also add
the snippet to Quick Access Menu.
Snippet Actions: Here you can find main actions like inserting
placeholders, AI features, etc. If you switch syntax to Rich Text (10.),
you will be able to insert images and format the text.
Wrap Text: Click on this button to toggle word wrap. This option is
unavailable for RTF snippets, because they require a fixed width to align
Snippet Content: Use this field to define the content of your snippet.
You can use placeholders to make your snippet dynamic.
Placeholders: they are enclosed in curly braces with @ symbool, e.g.,
{@text|Field@}. You can create them using the Insert Placeholder button
or by typing them directly once you know the syntax.
Syntax: Use this component to switch between Plain Text, Rich Text,
or any other supported syntax. The are 4 main types: Plain Text, Rich Text, Markdown, and all other usually used for programming languages or
configuration files.